Squad Info

In this section, we will discuss some of the things that we believe will be necessary to keep your Squad/MAG in cohesion.

1. Ideology
a. All members of a squad/MAG should share a common ideology. One set of morals, one goal, and a mission statement to work from.

2. Relationship
a. Start mutually assisting each other now. For example, if one of the members is working on something and needs help go and help them. Do things together now so that you all can learn how each person works. You will find each other’s strengths and weaknesses and know what to work on. Turn these work days into learning days for those who do not know how to do the work being done.

b. Wives/Girlfriends: It is going to be vitally important for your significant others to mesh. They also need to start mutually assisting each other now. Be that helping to watch the kids, or preparing a meal for those working on the project. They too will find strengths and weaknesses and begin to teach each other within the circle.

3. Training
a. Set dates that the squad can go and train. Whether that be just the group going out to practice and help each other, or an actual class that the group can go to. Medical/First Aid classes are a must for any disaster. We recommend Refuge Training for these classes. You could also set up classes with a firearms instructor. Continual learning is a must. When you do that as a group it will make that bond stronger among the members. Don’t forget the spouses here either they need to be taking classes together as well.