Welcome to The Civilian Guardsmen!

Are you prepared for the next emergency?

If you have found your way here we are confident that you have heard of all types of disasters whether manufactured or natural. Riots, civil unrest, economic collapse, martial law, asteroid impacts, “supervolcano” eruption, major earthquakes, terrorism, floods, and major storms. This is what the Federal Emergency Management Agency suggests you need for a minimal kit.

How can we help each other?

The Civilian Guardsmen work with our own members and other groups throughout the country. We have simple goals as our Motto implies, we want to be ready at all times to help and defend. We want to help you get started with a group or MAG, (Mutual Assistance Group), Squad. Your MAG may literally be just the people in your immediate family and neighborhood. We still want to support you in any way possible to make you a cohesive force to assist in disasters and defend all members and the Constitution of the United States. A united force nationwide acting as one cohesive unit in the face of uncertainty. With all of us working together we would be better prepared to secure and rebuild our local communities. It is necessary to have a plan and several backup plans for every situation. The one thing that will bring any plan to a screeching halt is not having the support group to run supplies to the affected area. Logistics will win the day! be sure to account for logistics in all plans. Make sure everyone involved in a plan knows their role and can effectively carry out the tasks that they are needed for. Make several dry runs now before it is needed in the future.

Mission Statement

The Civilian Guardsmen are a network of local squads created by everyday citizens in order to be better prepared for man-made, economic, and natural disasters in the United States. Our mission is to educate, train, help equip, and be a national network of members to mutually assist & defend our friends, families, & property during a crisis.